The development of technology has really brought a gap between the learners before and today. This will continue unless changes are to be made. But how can we bridge the generation gap? With the emergence of digital technology or sometimes referred to us as information and communication technology. To bridge the gap, first, we need to understand the potentials information and communication technology:
a. The new network of instantaneous communication is global, overcoming borders between countries and continents.
b. Much of what elders believe may not be applicable anymore to the new generation, especially along matters of traditional value system.
c. Alvin Toffler’s book, Future Shock, shows how the information age has begun to create many cultural changes in the family, societies, businesses, government such as what he calls the throw-away society, modular man, kinetic image, scientific trajectory, fractured family, surfeit of subcults, psychological dimension, etc.
With the generation gap, teachers must therefore understand these gaps that may lead him in connecting with the new generation of learners. If these gaps are not solve then the teaching-learning process may fail. Learners may also become discourage in learning and worst they may stop going to school.
During my high school days, most of my teachers were traditionalist. Our lessons were merely done in a lecture way. Learning was a teacher-centered one. They always do the talking and we were just like sitting in our chairs the whole period, waiting for the bell to ring. While in my first year in college, it change a bit with how the teachers teach, some were into technology and some were not. Then, the college year which I think was the start of technology integration in instruction was during my third year, where I was enrolled in Educational Technology 1 and it continues until now. Today, our children even the very young ones are computer-aided individuals. At a very young age, they are already exposed to different gadgets and technology.
I realized how important it is to fill the gaps made by the technology since this is a great factor on the success of teaching-learning. I never really thought that, this gap could bring problems especially on the learners. Since, one of responsibilities of a teacher is to impart knowledge to the learners, he must therefore learn to cope up, to adjust and match his teaching strategies with the new learning styles of the young generation in order that he can bridge this learning gap. Also, with the school curriculum technology should be integrated. Learners are the center of the educative process. They are our top priority. We must, therefore consider their needs, interests and learning styles.
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